The beginning of 2007 found us down in Georgia and Florida, traveling and ministering in churches, schools, and restaurants. Yes; restaurants: and I’m not just talking about Full Gospel French Fries, or laying hands on some Pentecostal Pizza. Often we are invited to speak at Men’s or Women’s breakfasts or luncheons, or in January’s case, to a Biker Club. We take these opportunities, remembering that we’re just the envelope. We simply carry the message. Of course an envelope without a stamp isn’t going far, so we submit whatever message we bring to prayer and the Heavenly Postman puts His stamp of approval on it. We might be the envelope, but only with the Postman’s help it will the message find its way into the heart.
Besides bikers and school kids, we were blessed to be able to help the New Covenant Church of Tifton for a short while as interim youth directors. Usually in December and January there’s not a whole lot of demand for missionary services, so we had a bunch of Wednesdays that were just open. This allowed us to coordinate the Wednesday night youth services as well as do a few outings. It’s been a few years, but Youth Ministry is still a blast! In the times of worship and altar call you can sense the deep love the Father has for teens and how awesome it is to be around the altars with them as the Holy Spirit would touch us with grace and love. But I must admit: as much as I love youth ministry, my body was suffering when it came time to do the snow tubing. The day after, the Spirit was willing, but the flesh was just sore!
How quickly we forget the pain though! I’ve already signed on with the New Jersey District to help out at Jr. High Youth Camp for this summer, right before we plan on heading back to Africa. I want those kids to be able to go home and say, “I got to go to camp with a real missionary and he ate lunch with me and told me cool stories, and (etc.).”
I know that kids and youth camps aren’t the place for missionaries to raise their budgets, but they are places where kids’ lives are forever changed and if one kid ends up serving Christ on the mission field, it’ll all be worth it.
And while I’m traveling around the East Coast these days, Kim is still down in Tifton, helping lead that youth group.
We’re living the Adventure!
Porcupine Quill Society
I was down in Florida, scarfing chalupas at one of Florida’s finest culinary establishments (Taco Bell) with Nicolas, an 8 year old missionary. He wins kids to Christ at his school and his plan is that when he grows up that he’s going to be a missionary overseas. He’s got it ALL planned out: he’s going to be the missionary and his brother’s going to be a millionaire and support him. Sounds like a great plan to me.
Anyways, he asked me, “Missionary, why is it that when the missionaries visit our church, they never come back to talk to us kids in children’s church?”
I asked him if he ever asked the pastor to send a missionary back to speak to the kids in children’s church. “No.” was his response.
“Well, you have not because you ask not.” I said. “You need to go and ask the pastor if a missionary is just doing a 10 minute window with the adults; if he would go back and be with you guys for the rest of children’s church.”Great!” He responded. “My Dad’s the pastor, and I’m going to ask him today!”
The result: The next month I was in his city, back with him and the rest of the kids in his children’s church.
Nicolas has such an evident call on his life for missions, I decided to give him one of my Angolan porcupine quills. I’ve been doing that quite a bit recently and my stock is dwindling.
When I give the quill out, I explain to the child that the quills are the porcupine’s shield. Without those quills he’d be an easy target for any lion. Faith in God’s Word is our shield. One quill represents one Bible verse you’ve memorized. Imagine if the porcupine only had three or four quills sticking out of its back and a couple on its tail. It would be a tasty treat for any predator. Imagine a Christian who only has three or four Bible verses memorized and maybe a couple chorus songs. I’d call that, “Sitting Duck Ministries” – an easy target for the enemy when that person starts sharing Jesus with the lost. That’s why God tells us (Colossians 3:16) to “let the Word of Christ dwell in you RICHLY.” No matter how dangerous the environment is that we are living in; if we are full of God’s Word, we’re safe. Shields are up, nothing’s getting through! When anyone or any devil attacks us, we also respond the way the porcupine does – let the quills do the work – speak or act on God’s Word. Only God’s Word can make the devils flee in pain and cause those people who hurt us to change and ask forgiveness.