Thursday, April 19, 2007


Did I mention that I took Breanna out to a MONSTER TRUCK RALLY? You might not see this in my newsletter, but hey, Kim is from Georgia and Breanna has to get a taste of her mother's heritage.


Anonymous said...

dear brother...
i can see you blog, and is very interising for me, because my porpuse i God also, and the salvation of the world...
i will pray for you ministry,
i will pray for the children in afrik
i will pray for the salvation of this place...
i can told thank you to Lord, because the work in the world is realy in you life..
God blesses to you every day, and protec you..

my english dont is perfec
but i hope you can deal this.

please brother remember this..every day, and you heart continually in the porpuse of God..

luke.4: 18-19
the spirit of Lord is upon me,
because he has chosen me to bring good news to poor.
he has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.amen

------- in our work together with God, then we beg you who have receive God´s grace not to let it be wasted.
hear what God says:
when the time came for me to show you favor,
i heard you,
when the day arrive for me to save you, y helpep you..

it nice to mee you brother..
God blesses to you..
i am misionary from chile for the nations..


Anonymous said...

one commentary more...
it nice the photo.. of you girld..
god bleses you family also...
