I am consistently amazed by the grace that we are seeing over here. Word of knowledge, healing, visions; it’s all grace. But the most amazing grace is the wonderful touch of the love of the Holy Spirit, showing His longsuffering, faithful love and forgiveness.
Here’s just some tidbits of what I’m writing about. In the Kids Choir community outreach I’m doing, I had heard about one of the children who was having some real physical problems. Along with severe abdominal pains, this young boy was vomiting blood and the doctors at the hospital were not able to help him. This condition was causing him to miss church, school, and kids’ choir.
One day as I drove through his neighborhood, I saw him by his house and I told him to come to the next choir practice so we could pray over him for healing.
The day that this boy came to choir, we had a wonderful worship experience and the kids laid hands on him and prayed over him. Two of them had visions and gave prophetic words and there was just a wonderful anointing in the place. The young boy, Mcdonald knew that the Lord had healed him and has not had a problem with the ailment since.
One of those kids who had a vision and prayed for the healing also had another vision at last night’s prayer meeting. He said that he felt like within two weeks that there is going to be an earthquake here in Namibia along the coast. Several other Christians have also had this same vision, so we’re expecting the ground to be shaking around here pretty soon. Pentecost Sunday is right around the corner, so it’ll be right on time. Ummm, maybe a prayer for God’s protection and grace on our lives over the next couple weeks should be in order?!!! Thanks. : - )
It’s not often when I get to be used in a Word of Knowledge, but when it happens, it sure is fun. On that Easter outreach I met some guy who was out on the street trying to sell his guitar. I told him I was on the way to a crusade and to get into the truck with me. When he got in I said, “Jabulani, This is your day to stop going your own way and give your heart to the Lord.”
He said, “Hey, how do you know my name?”
Now, I had no idea “Jabulani” was the guy’s name; I just felt like I should say that. So I told him, “I didn’t’ know your name, but God does, and when a stranger who doesn’t know you comes up to you and calls you by name and tells you it’s time to follow Jesus, I think you should listen.”
He responded, “You must have heard me playing in Germany while I was touring there. Are you German?”
“Never been to Germany in my life.” I told him, “and don’t even speak German. This is your day of Salvation, man.”
Jabulani accompanied us to the evangelistic film outreach we were doing that evening and I lost sight of him, but praise the Lord, what an experience. I’m just still so thrilled to be a part of the Lord reaching out to someone in a supernatural way, calling them by name.
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