Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Outreach to Ondangwa with Mark and Jimmy

A couple weeks ago I took a young man with me to go to Ondangwa to do some outreaches there. I met this guy about 1 ½ years ago in a poor settlement area outside of Swakopmund (one of the coastal towns of Namibia). This was a man who had owned a bar, and was involved in all the immoral trappings that go along with owning an establishment like that here in Sub-sahara Africa.
One day this man, Jimmy started feeling sick. As the week progressed the sickness became worse to the point where he was so dizzy he could hardly stand. He went to the hospital and they ran all sorts of tests on him. From one of those tests, he found out that he was HIV+ and that the sickness he was having was a result of that. This scared Jimmy, and so the next week found him in church. Jimmy heard the story of Jesus and His love for sinners, and learned that if he turned from his wicked ways and sought Christ, that he could find forgiveness through the cross.
On that day, Jimmy accepted Christ as his savior. The following week, I was in that church, preaching about the power of the Holy Spirit, and how, if we confess our sins how God not only forgives us, but cleanses us as well. I challenged the people that if anyone were to confess that they were HIV+ and ask God for healing and forgiveness, that God would forgive and heal them. Jimmy was one of the people that came forward to confess and to pray.

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