Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Outreach to Ondangwa with Mark and Jimmy

A couple weeks ago I took a young man with me to go to Ondangwa to do some outreaches there. I met this guy about 1 ½ years ago in a poor settlement area outside of Swakopmund (one of the coastal towns of Namibia). This was a man who had owned a bar, and was involved in all the immoral trappings that go along with owning an establishment like that here in Sub-sahara Africa.
One day this man, Jimmy started feeling sick. As the week progressed the sickness became worse to the point where he was so dizzy he could hardly stand. He went to the hospital and they ran all sorts of tests on him. From one of those tests, he found out that he was HIV+ and that the sickness he was having was a result of that. This scared Jimmy, and so the next week found him in church. Jimmy heard the story of Jesus and His love for sinners, and learned that if he turned from his wicked ways and sought Christ, that he could find forgiveness through the cross.
On that day, Jimmy accepted Christ as his savior. The following week, I was in that church, preaching about the power of the Holy Spirit, and how, if we confess our sins how God not only forgives us, but cleanses us as well. I challenged the people that if anyone were to confess that they were HIV+ and ask God for healing and forgiveness, that God would forgive and heal them. Jimmy was one of the people that came forward to confess and to pray.

November update - TV ministry

The Lord has continued to open doors for us throughout the country and Kiko and I have been privileged to speak in high schools, elementary schools, and everything in between. And we are sharing solid Bible teachings in both public and private school assemblies in creative ways, and capturing everything on digital video so we can use it for discipling children across the country via television
AFRICA’S CHILDREN (A department of A/G World Missions) has been a tremendous help to us with equipment and with the software to do these tv programs. It’s a lot of work, but each time I get frustrated and feel like quitting, I think of the 50 thousand children who live in school hostels. Many of them have just heard an introduction to the gospel, but have never really been discipled.
The T.V. Program that we’re doing also gives the kids who went to camp a ministry outlet as well. We have so many children who were trained at Camp to do ministry who have returned to their homes and churches and they are wanting to use what they learned. So I’ve been taking many of these children around to different churches and outreaches and giving them opportunities to preach, do gospel hip hop, do street evangelism, and pray for people! It’s been great, but what has been the best is seeing this happening in the lives of the kids and other leaders who attended our camp.
As I speak with children’s workers from the different churches, they tell me of how the children still want to do dramas and ministry in the churches and at the outreaches, even months after the camp has been over. And the best part is: these leaders have caught a vision that God uses Kids in ministry, and the churches are providing outlets for the children to minister both on Sundays in church, and at the community outreaches.

November 2010 Ultimate Challenge Kids Camp Update

Ultimate Challenge Kids Camp 2010
ULTIMATE CHALLENGE KIDS CAMP was once again an awesome camp experience this year. What first amazed me is the response from the adults to come help out at the camp. There was such a strong desire from both the kids and the adults to come back for this experience again.
When you look at Namibia, you see that the population is so small relative to the land mass which is so extensive. It’s because of the lack of water. Wherever you find an abundance of water supply, you will find a more concentrated populace. I believe this is what we are seeing in the Spirit here. Because of the outpourings of the Heavenly rivers and abundance of the move of the Spirit at the Kids Camp, people wanted to come. Thirsty souls are drawn to living water.
This year as we encouraged the children to seek at the altars for the Holy Spirit, one of the words I spoke to the kids was that being filled with the Holy Spirit was like getting a hug from Heaven. I shouldn’t have been surprised then, when at testimony time we heard several of the children responding that as they were seeking God that someone came up from behind and gave them a hug. Thinking that it was a counselor, they turned around to see who it was and there was nobody (visibly) standing there.
We also heard testimonies of children who were seeking God and they said that someone would come by and lay hands on their heads and the children said, “a wonderful feeling swept through my body from my head to my toes” and when they opened their eyes to see who was praying for them, once again, nobody (visibly) was standing there.
In this prayer-charged environment there were also so many visions of heaven, children who testified of seeing Jesus, and seeing angels, and of forgiveness of sins.
We are so grateful for the vastness of the mercy of God, who with such blazing holiness; chooses to walk amongst us even with all of our faults and shortcomings. As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity upon those who fear Him, for He knows our frame and remembers that we are dust (psalm 103).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

One of the Children, McG open air evangelism

For the Love of Christ

There really has been a lot going on here. Training of Children’s Workers, School Assemblies, and now Missy Garvey from Reading, PA is here helping me produce this National Children’s Weekly TV program to reach out to the kids in the school hostels. I have chosen this last bit of space in my newsletter, however, to share with you something else that really touched my heart (and I’m sure God’s heart) last week.
It was during our Kids Choir Outreach. There was a communications fail with the school we use, and the hall was locked. It was very cold that day, but we still decided to have praise and worship - outside. The kids didn’t come prepared for the cold weather, but wanted to worship anyways. We had our new choir t-shirts, so I just told some of them to put on two or three t-shirts each to stay warm.
As we were outside worshiping, kids from the neighborhood started throwing rocks at us from behind a wall. We couldn’t really do anything to stop them.
I looked at the shivering kids and said, “Y’know, you can read about in the Bible where the Christians in the early church were persecuted. Now here’s your chance; here’s your opportunity. Are you still going to worship Jesus even though people are throwing rocks at you?
Those kids responded, “YES!” and we stayed out in the cold, singing that song, “He loves us, oh, How He loves us, Oh, . how He loves us, Oh, How He loves us ALL.”

These Signs Shall Follow

I am consistently amazed by the grace that we are seeing over here. Word of knowledge, healing, visions; it’s all grace. But the most amazing grace is the wonderful touch of the love of the Holy Spirit, showing His longsuffering, faithful love and forgiveness.
Here’s just some tidbits of what I’m writing about. In the Kids Choir community outreach I’m doing, I had heard about one of the children who was having some real physical problems. Along with severe abdominal pains, this young boy was vomiting blood and the doctors at the hospital were not able to help him. This condition was causing him to miss church, school, and kids’ choir.
One day as I drove through his neighborhood, I saw him by his house and I told him to come to the next choir practice so we could pray over him for healing.
The day that this boy came to choir, we had a wonderful worship experience and the kids laid hands on him and prayed over him. Two of them had visions and gave prophetic words and there was just a wonderful anointing in the place. The young boy, Mcdonald knew that the Lord had healed him and has not had a problem with the ailment since.
One of those kids who had a vision and prayed for the healing also had another vision at last night’s prayer meeting. He said that he felt like within two weeks that there is going to be an earthquake here in Namibia along the coast. Several other Christians have also had this same vision, so we’re expecting the ground to be shaking around here pretty soon. Pentecost Sunday is right around the corner, so it’ll be right on time. Ummm, maybe a prayer for God’s protection and grace on our lives over the next couple weeks should be in order?!!! Thanks. : - )
It’s not often when I get to be used in a Word of Knowledge, but when it happens, it sure is fun. On that Easter outreach I met some guy who was out on the street trying to sell his guitar. I told him I was on the way to a crusade and to get into the truck with me. When he got in I said, “Jabulani, This is your day to stop going your own way and give your heart to the Lord.”
He said, “Hey, how do you know my name?”
Now, I had no idea “Jabulani” was the guy’s name; I just felt like I should say that. So I told him, “I didn’t’ know your name, but God does, and when a stranger who doesn’t know you comes up to you and calls you by name and tells you it’s time to follow Jesus, I think you should listen.”
He responded, “You must have heard me playing in Germany while I was touring there. Are you German?”
“Never been to Germany in my life.” I told him, “and don’t even speak German. This is your day of Salvation, man.”
Jabulani accompanied us to the evangelistic film outreach we were doing that evening and I lost sight of him, but praise the Lord, what an experience. I’m just still so thrilled to be a part of the Lord reaching out to someone in a supernatural way, calling them by name.

Opposing Sunset

Easter Outreach in Omaruru

It’s better to do a little with the anointing, than much activity without it. Over these last few months, I have seen so much more accomplished when accompanied by prayer; than when we haven’t had time to ADEQUATELY pray. Bottom line: We don’t have time not to pray.
Our Easter outreach to Omaruru saw wonderful success due to the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit, which was, I believe, proportionate to the emphasis on prayer and the cooperative efforts of Christians from different churches.
The first night we were in Omaruru, I preached. The second night, we were going to show a movie out on the big soccer field where we had done our afternoon children’s program. (We do the afternoon outreaches, and invite the people to come back in the evening for a movie).
As the evening approached, the clouds moved in and people started asking, “What are we going to do? It’s rained here the last few evenings and it looks like it’s getting ready to do it again.”
“Let’s just go to the field and set-up,” I said. “Let’s just step out in faith.”
When we arrived at the field and started to set up, we could see the clouds moving in and the heavy rains falling just to the North of us.
Someone arrived and said, “Guys, it doesn’t look good. We just came from Otjiwarongo, and it was raining on the way. It looks like it’s headed this way.”
“Let’s all join hands, form a circle, and pray,” I said. Everyone got together and started praying. We just prayed that the Lord would give us a canopy of angels and that not one drop would fall on us that evening. Not one drop.
Then the strangest thing happened. I’ve never seen it before or since. It looked like the sun was rising in the East, but it was around 6pm in the evening and the sun was actually setting in the West. Wow. The reins of the oncoming clouds were pulled back and they came no closer. The sound system, projector, and screen were set up; the crowds gathered, the movie played, the altar call was given, and the people responded. Once again, we don’t have time not to pray!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Here's a couple of the youth doing a dance they made up to "Shackles" by Mary Mary. The video wasn't set up, and the camera wouldn't zoom out, so the fist part of the video isn't that great, but the youth did a good job, and it gives you an idea of some of the potential.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The tragedy of Tommy Tomato

Here's a special something that Kim's husband, Mark added. Great for teens and children's ministry! A special thanks to Breanna for her recorder music in the background!

Cooking with Kim Tomato garnish

Heres' another thing you can do with a tomato

Cooking with Kim Rosy tomato garnish

Here's how to make a tomato look like a rose

Cooking With Kim Pineapples 2

Here's the second part for making a pineapple boat garnish

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cooking with Kim Pineapples 1

Here's how to make a pineapple boat

Cooking With Kim Pickles Garnish

Here's what you can get out of a pickle

Cooking With Kim The Flowery Pepper Garnish

Here's something you can do with a pepper

Cooking with Kim Orange Twist Garnish

Here's some cool stuff you can do with an orange.

Cooking With Kim Onion Flower Garnish 2

here's the second part on how to make an onion into an onion flower

Cooking With Kim Onion Flower Garnish 1

Here's the first part on how to make an onion into an onion flower

Cooking with Kim Cucumber Garnish 2

Here's the second part of the cucumber garnish

Cooking With Kim Cucumber Garnish 1

Here's the first part of the cucumber garnish

Cooking with Kim Carrot Garnish 2

Here's the second part of cool carrots

Cooking with Kim Carrot Garnish 1

Here's the first part of cool carrots

Cooking with Kim

At the recent Missionary Retreat in South Africa, Kim taught the ladies how to do some garnishing. These were shot in a high quality format, but I shrunk them down to make them more easily up and downloaded. Some people have to pay for each megabyte they download, and so if I uploaded these high quality, they would not be available for some.
If, however, you would like the workshop in all it's glory in a dvd resolution format, please let me know, and if you tell me your address, I'll send you one.
This offer is just for the ladies who attended the workshop. Anyone else who would like a copy would have to let me know where their address is, and I'll let you know what the shipping cost is.
Grace, love, and peace to you,