Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Outreach to Ondangwa with Mark and Jimmy

A couple weeks ago I took a young man with me to go to Ondangwa to do some outreaches there. I met this guy about 1 ½ years ago in a poor settlement area outside of Swakopmund (one of the coastal towns of Namibia). This was a man who had owned a bar, and was involved in all the immoral trappings that go along with owning an establishment like that here in Sub-sahara Africa.
One day this man, Jimmy started feeling sick. As the week progressed the sickness became worse to the point where he was so dizzy he could hardly stand. He went to the hospital and they ran all sorts of tests on him. From one of those tests, he found out that he was HIV+ and that the sickness he was having was a result of that. This scared Jimmy, and so the next week found him in church. Jimmy heard the story of Jesus and His love for sinners, and learned that if he turned from his wicked ways and sought Christ, that he could find forgiveness through the cross.
On that day, Jimmy accepted Christ as his savior. The following week, I was in that church, preaching about the power of the Holy Spirit, and how, if we confess our sins how God not only forgives us, but cleanses us as well. I challenged the people that if anyone were to confess that they were HIV+ and ask God for healing and forgiveness, that God would forgive and heal them. Jimmy was one of the people that came forward to confess and to pray.

November update - TV ministry

The Lord has continued to open doors for us throughout the country and Kiko and I have been privileged to speak in high schools, elementary schools, and everything in between. And we are sharing solid Bible teachings in both public and private school assemblies in creative ways, and capturing everything on digital video so we can use it for discipling children across the country via television
AFRICA’S CHILDREN (A department of A/G World Missions) has been a tremendous help to us with equipment and with the software to do these tv programs. It’s a lot of work, but each time I get frustrated and feel like quitting, I think of the 50 thousand children who live in school hostels. Many of them have just heard an introduction to the gospel, but have never really been discipled.
The T.V. Program that we’re doing also gives the kids who went to camp a ministry outlet as well. We have so many children who were trained at Camp to do ministry who have returned to their homes and churches and they are wanting to use what they learned. So I’ve been taking many of these children around to different churches and outreaches and giving them opportunities to preach, do gospel hip hop, do street evangelism, and pray for people! It’s been great, but what has been the best is seeing this happening in the lives of the kids and other leaders who attended our camp.
As I speak with children’s workers from the different churches, they tell me of how the children still want to do dramas and ministry in the churches and at the outreaches, even months after the camp has been over. And the best part is: these leaders have caught a vision that God uses Kids in ministry, and the churches are providing outlets for the children to minister both on Sundays in church, and at the community outreaches.

November 2010 Ultimate Challenge Kids Camp Update

Ultimate Challenge Kids Camp 2010
ULTIMATE CHALLENGE KIDS CAMP was once again an awesome camp experience this year. What first amazed me is the response from the adults to come help out at the camp. There was such a strong desire from both the kids and the adults to come back for this experience again.
When you look at Namibia, you see that the population is so small relative to the land mass which is so extensive. It’s because of the lack of water. Wherever you find an abundance of water supply, you will find a more concentrated populace. I believe this is what we are seeing in the Spirit here. Because of the outpourings of the Heavenly rivers and abundance of the move of the Spirit at the Kids Camp, people wanted to come. Thirsty souls are drawn to living water.
This year as we encouraged the children to seek at the altars for the Holy Spirit, one of the words I spoke to the kids was that being filled with the Holy Spirit was like getting a hug from Heaven. I shouldn’t have been surprised then, when at testimony time we heard several of the children responding that as they were seeking God that someone came up from behind and gave them a hug. Thinking that it was a counselor, they turned around to see who it was and there was nobody (visibly) standing there.
We also heard testimonies of children who were seeking God and they said that someone would come by and lay hands on their heads and the children said, “a wonderful feeling swept through my body from my head to my toes” and when they opened their eyes to see who was praying for them, once again, nobody (visibly) was standing there.
In this prayer-charged environment there were also so many visions of heaven, children who testified of seeing Jesus, and seeing angels, and of forgiveness of sins.
We are so grateful for the vastness of the mercy of God, who with such blazing holiness; chooses to walk amongst us even with all of our faults and shortcomings. As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity upon those who fear Him, for He knows our frame and remembers that we are dust (psalm 103).